From Spice by Christine Manfield page 173
I've never been one for marinades (or is that never been good at marinades...) but this one has got me thinking.
The marinade itself was quite thick and chock full of onion.
But in 2 hours all of the flavours really penetrated the meat.
The name of the recipe made me think it was a lamb curry. A lot of the flavours were the same, but the dish was different. Using the lamb backstrap was an eye opener as well. Not sure I've used that cut of meat before. Very melt in the mouth.
I'm still getting used to the whole pan-frying and then putting in the oven thing. Since I wasn't so sure I cooked the meat for the prescribed amount of time (I used a stopwatch just to be sure...). The meat was medium to medium rare which is the way I like it cooked.
My 7-year old's comment was that it was 'really yummy' and it 'jumped out of the box and ran away with the taste'.
If there's any other 7-year olds out there could you please post your translation for me. Overall it sounds good though.
Quite the complement considering the tough crowd that night.
Served this as suggested with the Onion Nigella Bread and the Cucumber Yogurt Salad with Nigella. Quite the treat.
Happy cooking!
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