So I was watching Masterchef the other night and Christine Manfield came on as one of the guest judges. Which reminded me of something I've been planning to do for a little while...
Christine has a companion book to Stir (one of my favourites which contained a real laksa recipe) which is called Spice. Whereas Stir presents a set of spice pastes with accompanying recipes Spice is rather encyclopaedic. The book presents a great range of dry as well as wet spice pastes and then runs through a an even greater range of recipes that all feature spice is some way, in some case using the pastes and in other cases using other unique and subtle combinations of spice.
It would have to be my favourite cook book. It's a couple of books behind in her range of books as she has now published Fire and is currently working on her sixth book. But for some reason I continue to find it captivating. Maybe it's the use of spice, maybe it's the complexity of some of the recipes. Maybe it's the pretty pictures of food, who knows??? I was watching this movie the other day called Julie & Julia and I came up with this idea...
Why not cook all of the main recipes in her book???
Yes I counted them - all 187.
An original idea? Certainly not. But an interesting challenge? Absolutely. Can I get you over for dinner? Why not!
Will I get a publishing deal or have a movie made??? Probably not. But that's not the aim.
By going through all of the recipes I'm aiming to learn as much as I can from her style of cooking. Also by attempting to cook the entire range of recipes it will help me stop slipping back to the same-old-same-old, and maybe get me back into my blogging.
(yes I know it's been a while...)
Stay tuned.
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