Apparently all you need is 4 ingredients:
- Lemons
- Salt
- Lemon Juice
- Love
This is how it goes...
First, find your lemons.
With stickers all over your lemons (I'm sure they don't come off the tree like this...), you need to remove the stickers, and store them somewhere (?).
Where better but the faces of cute girls!!
Now sort the lemons. You'll need to pick the good ones for preserving, and the not so good ones for juicing. What's 'good' and 'not good' is debatable. Ultimately, once preserved, the flesh is discarded and the skin and pith is the bit you eat. The best lemons then, are the ones with the thicker skins. A little hard to tell before they've been cut open. You could always resort to 'pretty' and 'not so pretty'.
Now give the lemons a little bit of love.
(Don't forget to sterilize afterwards)
Now each lemon is cut lengthways twice at 90 degrees, but not all the way through. Leave the last 1/2 inch uncut so the lemon still holds together.
Now pack with salt.
Now squeeze into a sterilized preserving jar.
Now juice the unlucky lemons.
Fill the jar to the top with lemon juice and voila! We have preserved lemons.
The preserving process should take 6 weeks. Store in a cool dark spot.
Happy preserving!